Keeping Your Pet Safe While RVing

If you have pets, you know that many animals behave very differently when riding in a vehicle. If you’re RVing with a pet, there are extra considerations to take to keep your animal safe and healthy. Here are a few tips to help your pet enjoy the next road trip as much as you.

Staying Comfortable and Warm

It’s important to keep your family warm when traveling in an RV and a pet is no exception. When the weather is chilly, have warm blankets or a pet bed to create a cozy place to sleep. If your pet has short hair, training them to wear a jacket or sweater will keep them comfortable when temperatures drop.

Safety on the Road When RVing with a Pet

Your pet is a valued member of the family, but animals can also cause dangerous distractions. Pets free to roam about the rig might distract the driver from what’s happening on the road, increasing the risk of an accident. When RVing with a pet, keep the area near the front of the vehicle gated off. This prevents your pet from getting in the way while the RV is in motion.

Have Important Documents Within Reach

Pet owners should always have access to important documents related to the care of the animal. This includes vaccination records, proof of ownership, vet information, and emergency numbers. These documents will be useful if your pet goes missing or if you need to visit the vet in a new city. Store paperwork in a safe, easy-to-access area where documents won’t be damaged.

Microchip Your Pet

If you get separated from your cat or dog while on a trip, having them microchipped increases the chances that you will be reunited. A microchip does not provide GPS location, so don’t expect to be able to track your pet’s whereabouts in real-time. However, if your pet is picked up by a shelter, they will be able to scan the chip and notify you that the animal was found. If your pet has been microchipped, verify your contact information is correct in the chip registry database.

Know the Location of Animal Hospitals When RVing with a Pet

When you travel to a new area, plan for emergencies. Look up the location and contact info for veterinary clinics and animal hospitals in the places you will be visiting. If an emergency does occur, you’ll know who to contact. Being able to reach a vet is essential in an emergency situation.

Pay Attention to Your Pet

Being on the road is not the same as being at home, and animals will likely react differently while they adjust. Some pets get car sick or need to be walked more frequently. Pay attention if your cat or dog seems to be asking for attention, they might be uncomfortable or stressed. Be patient and accomodating while traveling.

Gneiss Goods provides RV inspections to customers in San Antonio, TX, and the surrounding areas. Contact us to request our services.